Lawyers attend training on Whistleblower Protection

Lawyers from the public and private sector completed a one-day training on Whistleblower Protection last Wednesday 13, September 2023. 

The training program was part of an initiative between the PNG Centre for Judicial Excellence and the United Nations Development Programme through the office of the UNDP Chief Technical Adviser, Dr. Alma Sedlar. 

Facilitator and UNDP international consultant in whistleblowing information and good governance Dr. Ashley Savage while speaking during the presentation told participants that whistleblowing was essential for detecting corruption, safeguarding public interest, and promoting a culture of accountability and integrity in both public and private institutions. 

Dr. Savage presented a number of topics on whistleblower protection including whistleblower reporting processes, data protection, confidentiality of whistleblowers, and other international best practices for protecting whistleblowers. 

A session on the key features of the Papua New Guinea Whistleblower Act 2020 was also presented by the Office of the State Solicitor followed by a group exercise on advising whistleblowers. Participants were also involved in group discussions on protecting confidentiality and responding to investigations and complaints about occupational detriment.   

The Whistleblowers training is part of the Preventing and Countering Corruption in Papua New Guinea Project (PNG Anti-Corruption Project), funded by the European Union and implemented by UNODC and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP). The project aims to strengthen the Government’s commitment and capacities to address corruption, effectively progress the Sustainable Development Goals for the benefit of all Papua New Guineans, and to further support the network of Non-State Actors in their anti-corruption efforts.  

The workshop was funded by the United Nations Development Programme (PNG) and coordinated by the PNG Centre for Judicial Excellence and the Department of Justice and Attorney General.  

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