Promote a high standard of Excellence in all Court Business.


An Avenue where Experts come together to share knowledge, skills and expertise to be the best in their roles, enabling access to Justice and public confidence in the Judicial system.


The charter entails the service delivery process that Judges, Magistrates and Court staff can observe when engaging in our training programs.


Your Professional development is our Business, we will strive to ensure that all Judicial Officers, magistrates, court staff and officers of the Law and Justice sector are equipped with sound knowledge and prepared to manage the unique challenges of their Judicial role.


We plan, design and deliver training programs, seminars, workshops, forums, conferences and webinars for Judges, Magistrates and Court Officers.

At PngCJE, we are prepared:

  • To meet with you and discuss your training needs
  • To develop Curriculum, plan, design and deliver training programs
  • To Monitor and evaluate your progress after training
  • To Provide State of the Art Training facilities
  • To support you transition into your new career and constantly monitor your Professional development
  • To engage Subject Matter Experts to plan, design and deliver tailored training programs for your specific needs

PngCJE services are extended to:

  • Judges;
  • Magistrates;
  • Judges associates, court interpreters, attendants and reporters;
  • Registry staff;
  • Sheriff’s officers and staff;
  • Corporate management staff;
  • Law and Justice Sector agencies staff engaged in Court processes;
  • Village Courts Magistrates and Lay or non-lawyer trained Court Officers;
  • Regional (Pacific Island Countries) and international Judges and court support staff; and
  • Other stakeholders on ad hoc basis, i.e. lawyers, public, legislature, executive and non- judicial members of administrative tribunals and school children/students.


You will find our Program Officers useful in facilitating your training programs. They are more than happy to assist in designing and delivering training programs to suit your training needs. Feel free to send an email to any of the following;

PngCJE Board of Directors

The PngCJE Board of Directors chaired by the Chief Justice of Papua New Guinea examine and approve all training programs planned by PngCJE.


We are committed to doing our very best in delivering our mandated task to provide judicial education for court staff and Judicial officers for your Professional development.

We want our court officers to be well equipped with the necessary skills, knowledge and attitudes in dispensing justice for the wellbeing and development of the society at large.


Your feedback on our service is our tool for perfection, help us serve you better. Compliments or complaints can be sent to us through the following channels

  • Click and send us a comment via ‘Contact Us’ on our website
  • Fill out our evaluation forms after every training activity;
  • Send an email to our Program Officers or;
  • You can simply give us a call, +675 324 5500

We will review and renew this customer service charter regularly to meet and exceed your expectations.

PngCJE is ultimately responsible for your Professional development, if you are not satisfied with the outcome of our service, please do not hesitate to contact us. We will ensure that we respond to your concern in a timely manner.