Judges and spouses attend Judicial wellness program

Judges from the National and Supreme Courts of Papua New Guinea together with their spouses will conclude a four-day judicial wellness program today at the Loloata Island Resort in Central Province.

The program was funded and facilitated by the PNG Centre for Judicial Excellence (PNGCJE) for the second year with the purpose to promote and maintain a healthy lifestyle among Judges and their spouses, ensuring that their physical and mental well-being is prioritized.

Senior Judge, Justice Panuel Mogish whilst giving his opening remarks during the program stated that their roles as Judges could be demanding and stressful and it was essential that their health was a priority to make sure they contribute to serving the nation.

“This program has been designed to provide us with valuable tools and resources to manage our physical and mental health. Staying on top of our medical check-ups, work life balance and cultivate the sense of overall wellness.

Over the next four days we will explore topics such as stress management, nutrition, exercise, mindfulness among others,” Justice Mogish stressed.

Justice Mogish encouraged all Judges and their spouses to engage fully in the program, share their experiences and insights with each other and take away practical tips and strategies that would guide not only themself but also their loved ones.

“Let us combine on this journey together, working to prioritise our health and wellbeing.

As we reflect on last year’s wellness program, we need to take a step back and reflect on what we experienced last year and ask ourselves as to what significant action we have taken to balance our life.

We need to balance our life between work, social, family and spiritually so that we can be mentally and physically focused to deliver on our mandated responsibility.

Furthermore, fostering a cultural wellness is the key to promoting collaboration and mutual support among our peers.

By coming together, we create a network of solidarity that we enforce as our collective commitment to uphold the principles of justice, integrity and compassion.

He concluded by encouraging his colleagues and their spouses to learn as much as they could and actively engage in the activities throughout the program and to embrace the initiative, knowing that by caring for themself, they strengthen their capacity to serve as beacons of justice and integrity in the legal system.

The program included Judges and their spouses taking part in both outdoor and indoor activities.

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