10th Asia Pacific Mediation Forum Conference


The Asia-Pacific Mediation Forum (APMF) is a not-for-profit regional association of individuals, organizations and institutions interested in promoting peace and development through mediation and other conflict transformation processes wherever conflicts threaten the well-being of individuals, organizations, communities and local, state or national governments in the region. The main objective of the APMF is to facilitate the exchange and development of knowledge, values and skills of mediation and other conflict transformation processes, in any form, through inter-cultural, interpersonal, inter-institutional and international exchanges, within and between the diverse countries and cultures in the Asia-Pacific region. To fulfil this objective, conferences and summits are held in the region every two years, with a different country taking responsibility for hosting of each conference.

Due to the Covid Pandemic and related problems, the APMF was not able to hold its 10th Conference until now. The Papua New Guinea Judiciary has been chosen to host the 10th Conference in Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea.

The conference will be held from 19 – 21 August 2024 at the modern APEC Haus in Port Moresby, first used by the 21 economies in the Pacific Rim in 2018.

In the light of the triple planetary crisis we are facing in the Asia Pacific Region, the Conference theme is “Regional Challenges, Regional Solutions, Global Outcomes: Using Mediation to Resolve Environment and Climate Change Disputes”.

Unprecedented climate change, environment and resource challenges and related national and international disputes must be promptly identified and addressed through a sound environmental rule of law program to prevent the destruction of the world and its inhabitants. Mediation and other forms of dispute resolution, in addition to judicial processes, are being increasingly used to expeditiously resolve these kinds of disputes.

The Conference theme has been chosen to enable meaningful exchange of information and ideas by expert speakers, facilitators, and conference attendees. The Conference speakers include leading Judges, scholars and experts from all over the world (including from Europe, the Americas and the Pacific Rim) and will focus on both the science of climate change and approaches to managing, transforming or resolving associated conflicts. The presentations will cover global trends on the planetary crises and how mediation and other ADR approaches are being used or can be used to resolve disputes.

The Conference will also present the latest findings of the World Justice Project on the Rule of Law Index in 142 Countries, based on research on “disparity, vulnerability, and people-centred justice”. This will highlight the nature of challenges for the rule of law in the Asia Pacific region, including the gaps that exist in making sure that justice serves people in affected communities. The Project has examined the quality of laws and policies that protect the environment, issues around enforcement, environment and social rights projection and civic participation and will outline further work it will be undertaking in 10 countries in the Asia Pacific.

In addition, the Conference provides opportunities for experts in mediation to offer Advanced Mediation Skills Training to PNG and other mediators as well as for PNG mediators to hold their First National Mediation Conference. Those interested in either of these events as facilitators, presenters or speakers may submit their expression of interest along with a brief abstract of their proposed training program or presentation to Jean Kalamo by email – jkalamo@pngjudiciary.gov.pg.

The Call for Expression of Interest is open until May 31, 2024 for the following options:

1. to present at the 10th APMF Conference (20 minutes + 10 minutes for discussion) and/or

2. to facilitate advanced mediation skills training pre-Conference on August 14 and 15, 2024, and/or

3. to present at the First PNG National Mediators Conference on August 16, 2024.

Conference Tours:

Papua New Guinea is a very interesting country to visit. You may click on this link Papua New Guinea for a quick look at the country. A few tours in and around Port Moresby have been organized for those interested and are outlined in the Conference Registration form.

If anyone wishes to do any tours other than what has been organized, the local conference organizing committee will be more than happy to assist. Contact Ms. Jean Kalamo by email on jkalamo@pngjudiciary.gov.pg


Finally, for anyone concerned about security, the Conference is being organized with adequate provision made for security for all conference speakers, chairs and moderators of sessions and all other Conference attendees.