Magisterial Services staff receive ToT training
The PNG Centre for Judicial Excellence (PNGCJE) effectively facilitated a week-long Training of Trainers (ToT) program at the Waigani National and Supreme Court premises last week.
PNGCJE Deputy Executive Director, Mrs. Stacey Levakia-Wali, while speaking at the opening, encouraged the participants to take heed of the topics as it was going to provide each of them with the necessary skills and knowledge to run their own training sessions in the future.
“It is quite difficult to train adults because we come from different backgrounds, and to us when it comes to training, we all picture the scenario of a school, teacher, and students and so when dealing with adults it is a whole different scenario,” she said.
PNGCJE program officer for Magisterial Services Ms Emma John said the training was facilitated for participants to learn the skills necessary to deliver adult learning content that promotes active learner engagement. The training was also intended to explain the importance of Judicial Education and Training.
“There was a total of 19 participants who registered, however only 15 turned up for the training.
We have 13 participants from the Magisterial Services and two participants from the National Judicial Staff Services (NJSS).
The participants are from the District Court Registry, Human Resource, Training and Development, Finance, Information Technology and the Policy Division.
The ToT training is intended to equip officers who are new to the training field or subject matter experts who will be tasked to train others in their areas of expertise. The ToT is also intended to prepare instructors to present effective information that reinforces learning,” she said.
Ms. John said the ToT training is a shared effort from both the Magisterial Services and the NJSS.
“The training was basically set for the MS staff and was facilitated by Program Officers and Managers from the PNG Centre for Judicial Excellence and the NJSS Human Resource division,” she said.
Ms. John said they are hoping to have another training in the near future to accommodate for the managers and supervisors from the other business units within the Magisterial Services that could not make it to this training.