More trainings for Court Staff in the Provincial Courts
Staff from provincial courts in the country will be receiving more training in the coming years in order to upskill them to face latest developments and challenges, and continue promoting access to justice.
“There will be more training for you over the next few years that will assist you to improve your quality of life and upskill your performance to further provide access to justice,” said PNG Centre for Judicial Excellence Executive Director Dr. John Carey.
Dr. Carey when giving his opening remarks during a recent training in Lae on September 27-28, told staff from both the District and National Courts that PNGCJE is now reaching out to the provinces with training modules and would be delivering more trainings to provincial courts in the coming years.
A total of 36 court staff, from both the National Judicial Staff Services (NJSS) and the Magisterial Services attended the training with high hopes of further professional training in other areas as well.
Lead Facilitator Mr. Gitu Lago conducted the training which was aimed at developing efficient management skills and legal investment ideas to promote financial stability at home so that employees are focused on their jobs in administering justice on time without financial stress.
“I will teach you how to develop ideas to make money, and how to let your money work for itself and increase your income without you having to skip a day at work,” said Mr. Lago. “I know that most of you are crippled with loans. There’s a way to manage your income, repay your loans, start something small, register a business, and become an investor as well. And once you are up there, your money will work for you. This is what I will be teaching today,” he said.
Program Coordinator Mr. Peter Michael was pleased with the outcome of the training. He also indicated that he looks forward to facilitating more training in the provinces. Such trainings would be based on the needs assessments done.
The training was a first of its kind for the Lae court staff and most of the participants found it to be of great value. Lae National Court Interpreter Mr. Mawasang Lou said the training added value to their lives and they would always refer back to the lessons learnt when dealing with money and resources.

Participants with their certificates after the training.