NJSS second batch undergo GESI training
The second batch from the National Judicial Staff Services (NJSS) for the Gender Equity and Social Inclusion (GESI) Awareness program successfully completed a half day training at the PNG Centre for Judicial Excellence (PNGCJE) training room on April 12.
The training was facilitated by PNGCJE Research and Publications Manager, Ms Debbie Laudiwana and Program officer, Mr. Peter Michael.
The GESI awareness was designed to address the issue of discrimination, harassment and domestic violence in the workplace.
With the awareness given, participants will now go out and not only promote but also practice implementing gender equity and social inclusion principles and values within their respective office environments.
Throughout the awareness program participants were asked to give their feedback on the training topics presented and what needed to be done in order to improve and promote GESI within the organization.
Several participants said there should be more GESI trainings given for all staff of NJSS, others said without GESI principles being practiced in the work environment things would not work out well and that when everyone is well informed and trained on GESI, stereotypes and cultural barriers that impact work progress can be broken.
Other participants stated that GESI principles bring fairness and gender equality into the workplace and should be addressed seriously.
At the end of the training, participants were able to explain the relevance of gender equity and social inclusion in the workplace, and also discuss actions that the organization could take to mainstream GESI principles and values into its systems and processes.