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Pacific Centre For Judicial Excellence

The Pacific Island Countries Centre for Judicial Excellence was formed from the amalgamation of activities under the Papua New Guinea Centre for Judicial Excellence (PNGCJE) and the need for Judicial Education and Training Programs for the pacific Islands developed within the Pacific.

Since the inception on PNGCJE in 2010 it was envisaged that it would build on judicial programs domestically and then extend to the Pacific Islands placing emphasis on their specific requirements.

PCJE has been developing in three phases namely the strengthening on the institutional capacity on PNGCJE which includes establishing professional staff, arranging transitional requirements and the transformation on PNGCJE to become PCJE.

PCJE plays an integral part in assisting the judiciaries in the Pacific region in building capacity through structured training programs for judicial officers, Judges, Magistrates, Court Officers and officers in the Law and Justice Sector.

The countries represented in the Pacific Islands Region include Cook Islands, Fiji, Federated States of Micronesia, Kiribati, Marshall Island, Nauru, Niue, Palau, Samoa, Solomon Islands, Tokelau, Tonga, Tuvalu and Vanuatu.

PCJE highlights strategic intensions for the future at the Pacific Regional Meeting

The Chief Justice of Papua New Guinea Sir Gibbs Salika and Chairman of the Pacific Judicial Centre for Judicial... read more

Chief Justice attends Pacific Judicial conference hosted in New Zealand

The Chief Justice of Papua New Guinea, Sir Gibbs Salika, attended the 2025 Pacific Judicial Conference (PJC) in New... read more

Chief Justice meets with delegates from The High People’s Court of Beijing Municipality

The Chief Justice of Papua New Guinea Sir Gibbs Salika had a high-level meeting with delegates from the High... read more

Chief Justice attends regional Chief Justices meeting in Fiji

The Chief Justice of Papua New Guinea Sir Gibbs Salika, Justice Sir Kina Bona and Justice Daniel Liosi were... read more

PNGCJE in Partnership with the Federal Court of Australia holds Court Officer Training Workshop in Tonga

Managing and Reporting on Fraud and Corruption Cases The PNGCJE and the Federal Court of Australia hosted twenty-six Registrars and... read more

Kokopo National Court staff complete two-day customer service training

The Papua New Guinea Centre for Judicial Excellence (PNGCJE) key objective to deliver structured training programs for Judges, Magistrates,... read more

Judges attend IOJT Conference in South Korea.

Two Judges from the PNG Judiciary, Justice Joseph Yagi and Justice Nerrie Eliakim are currently attending the 11th International... read more

Continuing Legal Education for Lawyers a success

The Commonwealth Lawyers Association (CLA) in collaboration with the PNG Centre for Judicial Excellence (PNGCJE) and the PNG Law... read more