President of Commonwealth Lawyers Association to visit Port Moresby

The PNG Judiciary welcomes the President of the Commonwealth Lawyers Association, Dr. Peter Maynard KC, to Port Moresby on 3 to 9 February. Dr. Maynard will attend the 2024 legal year opening ceremony.

Dr. Maynard is a senior partner of Peter D. Maynard Counsel and Attorneys, a full-service commercial firm in the Bahamas. He is also the former Vice President of the Americas Hub for the Commonwealth Lawyers Association and now the President for the CLA. Having practiced for more than 40 years, Dr. Maynard has vast experience in complex civil litigation, asset tracing and recovery, arbitration and mediation. He has also held leadership positions in several lawyers’ organizations, such as the International Bar Association (IBA), the World Jurist Association, and the Inter-American Bar Association.

Dr. Maynard has a distinguished career in law and public service. He has served as a High Court Justice, a Deputy Chair of the Regional Judicial and Legal Service Commission of the Caribbean Court of Justice, a Newspaper Columnist, an Economist and a Diplomat at the United Nations, a Legal Adviser of the Bahamas Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and a Guest Scholar at the Brookings Institution, an economics think tank in Washington D.C.

Dr. Maynard is currently the Head of the Law Department of the University of The Bahamas. He has authored and co-edited many publications, including the book “Poverty, Justice and the Rule of Law” for the IBA. He is the founder and chair of the annual ADR and Investment Summit; Caribbean, Latin America and Other Emerging Markets, and the International and Western Hemisphere, Arbitration, Adjudication and Mediation Centre (IWHAAM).

He holds a Master of Law (LLM) from Jesus College Cambridge and a PhD from Johns Hopkins University in international law, among other degrees and awards.

Dr. Maynard is expected to meet with the Chief Justice of Papua New Guinea, Sir Gibbs Salika, Deputy Chief Justice, Ambeng Kandakasi, and other LJS heads, such as the President of the PNG Law Society, the Executive Dean of the UPNG Law School, the Ombudsman Commissioner, the Secretary of DJAG and the Director of the Legal Training Institute.

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