Customer satisfaction fundamental for work of courts

Customer satisfaction is fundamental for the growth and work of the courts.

These were the remarks made by PNG Centre for Judicial Excellence (PNGCJE) Program officer for the National Judicial Staff Services (NJSS,) Mr. Peter Michael, during a two-day (16 -17 August) customer service training which was facilitated by Mr. Michael and PNGCJE Program officer for Magisterial Services, Ms. Emmah John.

Mr. Michael said there were a total of 18 staff who participated in the training.

“The participants comprised of officers from the National Court, the District Court, the Public Solicitor’s Office, Department of Justice and Attorney General and the village courts in Kerema.

The Customer Service training aims to upskill court officers with basic, and yet effective customer service skills to ensure client needs are attended to and addressed in a timely manner.

Upon completion of the course participants are expected to demonstrate confidence and problem-solving skills.

As an organization, it is important to restore and maintain public confidence and trust and that access to justice for all is seen and felt to be promoted at the courts.

“Course participants are expected to exhibit high level of professionalism and ethical principles. All court users seeking redress at courts for any matter, return home satisfied even if the solution is not in their favour, this is the fundamental role of customer service in the organization,” said Mr. Michael.

Mr. Michael said in the interest of promoting access to justice and effective service delivery, effective customer service was unavoidable.

“Essence of a successful customer service mechanism in an organization earns public trust and confidence in the products and services it offers,” he added.

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